Monday, December 8, 2008


I haven't felt like being positive, so I haven't been. It's funny how when you don't feel like being positive you can totally ignore all the positive things in your life.

Here are some things I remember from the last few days:

More Take5s. J is so good to me. And I know Take5s don't seem like much, but they really make all the difference.
He even went to see Twilight with me. And it is even better the second time. And J does a perfect Jasper impression.
I'm almost done.
I got to bring the cutest baby in the world (um, she totally is; sorry C!) to church with me. And even though mom totally stole her from me, it was okay because she is cute and I like her and I like mom too.
Isn't it the cutest thing in the world when the cutest baby in the world lifts up her arms because she wants you to hold her? It is.

I know I am forgetting a lot of good things.

1 gleeful thoughts:

cornnut32 said...

i forgive you. :)

man, i wish i could get my hubby to go see twilight with me again. i might just have to go by myself. :)

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