Monday, December 8, 2008

that's better

I turned in my AP English score so I can graduate and don't have to take freshman English.
It is snowing.
I brought my book to the press and so it is out of my hands and I don't have to worry about it anymore.
J very kindly went to the press with me.
Mondays are always good because Kyle writes. And even though I forget that it is Monday (and thus forget to write him), he is still the best brother and writes me. He's pretty inspiring.
Caitie came over and we made muddy buddies and watched gilmore girls.
(why do I always talk about junk food when I am talking about good things? junk food isn't good for me. I need to figure this out.)
I finished some work that I wasn't expecting to finish.
I finished some other work that I desperately needed to finish.
I listened to u2 on vinyl. I didn't know that I liked u2 but I listened to it and danced around the living room.
I sent j my christmas list. All books. books books books. The fact that there are books in the world makes everything else a lot better, don't you think?

1 gleeful thoughts:

cornnut32 said...

books do make everything better.

how is your brother doing?

what book did you take to the press?

junk food may not be good for you but it tastes fantastic, so therefore it is a good thing.

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