Wednesday, November 19, 2008

19 November 2008

Brother Gardner canceled the class that he was going to have me teach next week. (This is a very good thing.)

He also called me "the best" (in reference to my editing skills/internship). I'm sure part of it is just that he's a nice person (I know that was kind of negative, but I'm new at this), but it was still really nice to hear.

Brother Gardner also told me that I made the right choice about my internship. (I was considering holding out for a different internship with the Church magazines.) It's nice to know.

I got to talk to Emma.

I really like the sounds station on pandora.

Wyatt asked me to take pictures for him on Friday. And to sew him something. I'm good at neither photography nor sewing, but it still made me feel good that he asked.

Caitie came over.

We made muddy buddies.

I ate muddy buddies.

and we watched Gilmore Girls.

0 gleeful thoughts:

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