Saturday, November 29, 2008


I saw twilight with cornnut! It was awesome! Terribly, terribly full of cheese, but it was fun to watch and laugh at. And I don't care what you say C, I think Edward is a hottie. And this is funny. And it was fantastic to see C again.
I ate more pie.
I finally had that "staff meeting" I've been wanting to have for ages.
3 words: Pizza [and] Planet Earth. Mmm.

Seriously, I think I would see Twilight again. It was just so bad! That terrible acting! Jasper's hair! And facial expression! Oh, so many awful things...

3 gleeful thoughts:

cornnut32 said...

shhh. don't tell. but i secretly want to see it again too.

and it really was awful.

and edward really isn't cute. just like orlando bloom isn't cute. (i know i'm going to hell, but it's the truth.:))

kaitlyn.e said...

I could forgive you for saying that rob isn't cute, but orlando? did you really just go there?

cornnut32 said...

i did go there.



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